Monday, June 25, 2007

The negative ego matrix

My 22 month old daughter has been displaying signs that indeed one does not have to be exposed to negativity through others or the media in order to operate from negativity! She is at the phase where she is very willful and will pinch and hit whenever she doesn't get her way. Where did she get these influences from?

The negative ego matrix is indeed ever present in mass consciousness. And my daughter is a victim of it. For as long as she doesn't know how to own her personal power, and not be victimised by her subconscious mind and her emotional body, she will be pulled and pushed by the negative ego matrix to do its little will. I know this is a challenge for all parents of small children.

Because my daughter does not have a capacity to own her personal power, we as her parents have to do it for her. So, guess what the little one was surprised by when she hit or pinched - She got a minute time out! She got to stand next to our statue of Kuan Yin for one minute. Reasoning with a 1-2 year old obviously does not work, so 'time out' seems like a reasonable cause of action for now. I was quite surprised she understood the concept of time out and that she knew immediately that, that scratch she gave mummy is totally unacceptable and inappropriate. She is slowly beginning to get out of the habit of hitting, pinching, scratching, everytime she raises her little arm to strike, she realises that it is inappropriate behaviour and immediately softens and instead gently touches my arm.

One up for Christ/Buddhic/Spiritual/God consciousness!

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