Wednesday, September 26, 2007

From Sai Inspires

All must cultivate the spirit of equal-mindedness. This is the mark of a true human being. It is the spirit of serenity in which one looks upon praise or blame, honour or dishonour, pleasure or pain alike. We tend to shrivel up when somebody abuses us. The whole world looks gloomy. We swell with pride when anybody praises us. What we should cultivate is an attitude in which we remain unaffected in both the situations. Shanthi (mental tranquility) is necessary for experiencing the truth of the Self. There is no greater thing on earth than peace of mind. Every effort must be made to acquire Shanthi. - Sai Baba. Divine Discourse, May 26, 1985.

My favourite ascension activation meditation

The Official I AM University Divine Names & Attributes of God Ascension Activation Meditation has got to be one of my favourite meditations by Dr Stone. It sets the tone for me in the mornings as it is played on my computer. I just love it!

Monday, September 24, 2007

In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity - Albert Einstein

Last week i was down with the stomach flu, and consequently was too tired and weak to do any work. On that same day, these words from my "Words of Inspiration" mailer which I have auto programmed weeks beforehand appeared in my inbox: "In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity - Albert Einstein" What great timing I thought!

Though I spent a lot of time inspecting the sewage system, I also had lots of opportunities for bed rest. And sleep I did, something I don't do a lot of.

I am now almost at 100% and feel really grateful for the unplanned longer than usual weekend break. Opportunities abound!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


This one is really interesting. It illustrates the point of how much mass consciousness controls our perception and our sense of reality. So if we wish to be Masters and God and Self realised beings, we need to move against the flow of mass consciousness and not be victimised by the negative ego. Check this out link

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Join me in saving whales

I received this message from the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) which is based in America. I believe that everyone not just Americans should do their part....

"The Navy's sonic assault on whales should be stopped immediately. I'm asking for your help to make it happen.

Let me be clear: I have the deepest respect for the U.S. Navy. When I was growing up, my father was a doctor and commander in the Navy. His role in helping to establish a base at the South Pole in 1957, as part of the International Geophysical Year, had a lifelong impact on me.

We loved the Navy because it helped win World War II. But we also loved the Navy because it was a leader in the scientific study of the natural world.

That's why I feel so strongly that today's Navy should be using its vast resources to protect not just our nation but the health of our planet’s oceans as well.

And it's why I am so distressed by the acoustic onslaught the Navy is now waging beneath our planet's oceans -- an onslaught known to kill whales with dangerous mid-frequency sound waves.

Mid-frequency sonar is designed to detect enemy submarines. The Navy's warships deploy underwater speakers that blast the ocean with noise in excess of 235 decibels -- a sonic barrage roughly comparable to a Saturn V rocket at blast-off.

That explosive level of noise can cause whales -- who have an exquisite sense of hearing -- to panic, surface too quickly, and hemorrhage internally. Many beached whales have been found bleeding around their brains and ears after their fatal encounters with military sonar.

Imagine a sound so disorienting or so painful that you jump out of the sea and die on the beach rather than be subjected to it for another minute! From a whale's point of view, the Navy's sonic assault must seem like torture.

But that torture isn't just cruel, it's unnecessary.

You see, the Navy could adopt simple safety measures when training with sonar that would prevent the needless infliction of pain and death on these magnificent animals. For example, the Navy could avoid marine habitats where whales are known to migrate, feed, and raise their young. These common-sense precautions would not compromise military readiness.

But the Navy refuses. So the maiming and killing of whales goes on.

This callousness toward nature -- toward the ocean itself -- does not reflect the Navy I grew up with. We deserve better. And, as Americans, it's our right to demand better.

Our message is simple: Whales should not have to die for military practice.

Please join me and millions of other people in getting that message to the U.S. Navy and to Congress. Click here now and tell the Navy to do the right thing.

Then please help us build a nationwide outcry by forwarding this message to your friends and family members who would want to know about the Navy's reckless assault on whales and other marine life.

Let's not wait for hundreds, or even thousands, more whales to suffer and die. Please stand with me in demanding a more humane Navy right now.


James Taylor
NRDC Action Fund"

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

2 New Sessions

We have 2 new sessions just posted on the website.

Here they are:
Happiness, Joy and Inner Peace Session with the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians

Living Life to the Fullest: Channeled Inspiration from Melchizedek on Living Limitlessness and One’s Infinite Potentiality

I am personally quite excited to share these sessions with everyone. No one can stop laughing and smiling with joy while working with the Arcturians and with Melchizedek, He is one magnificent being who is great at giving pep talks! :-)