Friday, July 27, 2007

5 minute entertainment with Pingu

Some very good examples of the Inner parent, Inner child, Patriarch and Matriarch Archetypes here!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Free Channeled Meditations

As part of our ongoing commitment to serve you better, we are now offering free meditations which you can listen to online and you may even download it for free. However, we ask that you give credit where credit is due and to also recommend it to others whom may benefit from it as well.
The meditations are also available on Cds if you wish to purchase them.
Visit here


Monday, July 23, 2007

As part of my training for the marathon, I did an extra long run by the beach on Saturday with a group of ladies. It is the same location where the military boys and men train too. I noticed that the negative ego is just so competitive even in training. The boys and men will not allow a lady to run side by side at the same pace, they will always try to edge forward just to stay ahead. We see this happening in life all the time, don't we? At the work place, in school, with family and even in spiritual circles. The negative ego flip flops us from superiority to inferiority complexes causing us undue stress and giving our power completely away so that we are ahead of other people simply out of vanity and the desire to win.
I remember one of Joshua's chapters where he talked about how the spiritual path is like a marathon run and I totally agree. One must maintain consistency in one's pace and not burn out too quickly, one is also not competing with others, but with self! To make improvements every step of the way and asking for help is part and parcel of the whole process.
In my last 2km, I was feeling the effects of the run and I asked for 1st ray infusion for my mind, muscles and might! I was immediately uplifted and managed to complete the run in good time. God, spirit and the masters never fail :-)
Once again the mantra, "God, spirit, the masters, my physical body and the power of subconscious mind is an unbeatable team!" has done it again :-)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

For Serious Spiritual Seekers....

Thanks to our seriously humourous spiritual friends for sharing this!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Spiritual Idealism

There are many things in life i feel very passionate about. There are also many things connected to my spiritual growth that I am especially devoted to in terms of reaching the highest ideal. This morning, when I was on the teleconference call with the other I AM U branch leaders and we were talking about the 6th ray and what it means to have spiritual idealism, it made me realise that I have many spiritual ideals that I aim to bring into perfection and most importantly to demonstrate and ground them.

One of these things that I am an advocate of is maintaining clear boundaries. To me, practicing clear boundaries with others on the physical, emotional, psychological, psychic, spiritual levels are about respect, honour and unconditional love/service. I hold this as one of my strengths that allow me to do my work effectively and I must say that I learned a lot about involved detachment and clear boundaries from Kuan Yin. She is the Master of Compassion but she is so crystal clear on where she stands as a teacher, healer and Bodhisattva. I feel her energy and strength whenever I feel challenged in this area of my development....and she never fails to give me a wake up call should I falter! A million thanks to Kuan Yin :-)

Anyway, what I want to share is that it is so important for spiritual practitioners to have spiritual ideals. Spiritual ideals give us a sense of focus, gives us a sense of becoming the best that we can become, it also allows us to dream the impossible dream! The 6th ray also teaches us that spiritual idealism must be grounded as practical service on earth.....

Let's aspire to bring Heaven down to Earth in a real way.

Om Mani Padme Hum


Recently I read a TESTIMONIAL from someone who feel such a close affinity with the work of the I AM U and to Dr Stone. It really touched my soul as this is how I personally feel too about Joshua and the work of the I AM U. It makes my heart sing to know that there are others who share the same level of devotion and passion. It just makes the work even more exciting.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Do Your Part Today!

7/7/07: I AM YOU Global Prayer Circle for a Climate in Crisis. Click here for details

News from

Friday, July 06, 2007

Dream the impossible dream..

Someone sent this to me, i think it is so inspiring when people muster enough courage to live their dreams. It is interesting how other people around were at first quite skeptical, but he just blew their minds. I was blown away by his power!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


7/7/07: I AM YOU Global Prayer Circle for a Climate in Crisis. Click here for details