Thursday, March 22, 2007

Yearning for more

When I first started on my spiritual path, I always felt that there was more to what I can do and offer in my service work. I always felt that there must be something bigger and beyond what I was experiencing. I think it is this thirst and yearning for more, to feel more in alignment with who I AM, that fueled my passion to serve others.
I am still feeling this yearning, and know that at every step of progress I make, I will be able to share more, serve more, and transform my experience/mistakes I have made and gift of hindsight to assist others. I like this journey of life (Thank God! :-) and serving others makes it more complete.
For those of you who knew Dr Stone, you will know the kind of example he has shown in how he served others. I've learned so much from him. He taught me that everything we do in life is ultimately about our attitude towards it - do we come from spiritual/God/Christ consciousness or the negative ego consciousness. And I've used his wisdom to help me to change my attitude about everything I do, including very small mundane things such as doing the laundry.
So I honour this famous quote, "Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water". This is my inspiration towards my spiritual growth and service work.


Angel Ripples Enterprise said...

Hi Shamala! Nice to see your Blog and little Sasha!

I haven't meet Dr Joshua in person, but i am grateful for his Integrated Ascension Work that allows us to understand that Ascension not just plain hanging around in the air, feel good about it and thats it. In Truth,Its about in Each and every moment-area of your life in bringing that Good-ness into your life challenges as well!

And to you Shamala, who Shines as a bright Star in KL Sparks my Understanding about Integrated Ascension Work! I was Never Ever the same as before and will Continue to do so in clearing, refining and integrating my beingness. Your Beingness has Strikes effectivity in ascension to those of us in KL (am sure those who read will Agree!)

Thanks to Dr Joshua, Shamala & Toby Family and other I AM U Team for your Incredible work. God Bless All of you! May the Light, Love & Power be with you Always!

Divine Blessings
Victor S. P. Lu

Shamala said...

Thank you Victor for your kind and sweet message!