Friday, December 28, 2007

The New Year

Every year I believe that the new year will be the best one yet. How can it not be, if my future in truth lies in the hands of God, and that I play just as an important role in co-creating it! New opportunities, new growth, new insights, new learning.....all part of the cycle of life just makes every new year or every new day for that matter interesting.

Every day, I write down one new thing I have learned about myself....this means that in the new year, I have 365 new things to explore within. I know that in understanding myself, I have a greater ability to understand others and this is something of great value that one one else can impart to me.

Then what lies beyond the understanding? I believe, action. So if I understand why I have a certain flaw or a certain good quality, then what can I do about it? So in the new year, I also have 365 new action plans to look forward to.

I may not make new year resolutions but the simple daily contemplations make each new year more exciting and inspiring.

2008 will be the best year ever! Happy New Year!

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