Friday, February 01, 2008

The outer and the inner

Yesterday, my husband Toby observed that during our hour long lunch break at the food centre he saw over 20 ladies who were focused on their outer appearance in one way or another. I gathered that he meant they were either looking at themselves in their compact mirrors, adjusting their clothes or refreshing their make up in public.

Yes, we live in a world that focuses too much on the outer form and not on the inner essence. I think women (and some men) in general spend at least 1/3 of their income on things to beautify themselves. Not that there is anything wrong with this, but too much focus on this and not enough on nourishing and cultivating their inner self is causing imbalances that will take lifetimes to transform.

As a counselor, I have counseled many attractive and beautiful people (both inside and outside) who just cannot see what is there to love about themselves. Many dislike how they look, the shape they have, and so on......interestingly, the more they disliked themselves, the less attractive they became! Even when they have bought their beauty through a makeover, slimming centres and so on, there is still a void within that needs to be addressed.

Recently, I read an article that was written by a motivational speaker who advocates the importance of good looks and that it is one of the most important things in looking for a partner! And this article was in a mainstream magazine that is widely distributed. No wonder our world is so mixed up! The media from newspapers, television to movies have made such a big negative impact on the consciousness of humanity that people have totally lost sight of what is really important in life. Botox is as easy to obtain as a latte these days.

I am concern when people say to my daughter who is only two(!) that she is very pretty. It is not that I do not agree with them but what kind of a world is she growing up in when people place their focus on her outer beauty and not on her inner qualities? She is being 'taught' by the world that the outer form is more important that her inner essence.

Of course I do see the importance in dressing well (as in clean and presentable clothes), having a sense of style, having good hygiene practices, being healthy and so on but I certainly believe it is very important to keep these in balance by investing one's time and energy on cultivating one's spiritual psychological wisdom. What is the point in looking pretty if one is not exactly as deep as a well.

It will take many generations to reprogram mass consciousness on the importance of balancing the outer form with the inner essence. Not just as a lip service, but in a real and concrete way where people no longer have judgments about outer appearances. Where every shape and form is appreciated for its own unique beauty. Where there is no competition, comparison and envy on which is better.

We can hope but it really begins with us now. If we make the change within ourselves, we will make a more powerful impact on those around us and for generations to come.

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