Monday, March 24, 2008

Sign the Petition!

"In light of the dangers facing humanity from climate change and environmental degradation - and to ensure a future of plenty and peace, I pledge my:

* action in reducing or eliminating the animal elements of my diet - major greenhouse gas emitters;
* support for all possible governmental policies that reduce or eliminate the inherently wasteful and cruel global livestock industry;
* support for reforestation/afforestation programs and the release of previously grazed land to such protected rehabilitation;
* and my support for the economic compensation of those whose livelihoods are adversely affected by these necessary changes.

I make this pledge in full knowledge of the challenge of change. However I make it with determination and enthusiasm for this transformation, for I love my planet and its people and wish a healthy and peaceful future for all. Count me among the many who want change now in reducing meat eating through wise policies and good information.

Politicians, leaders, governments, don’t hesitate: go veg. Support vegetarianism and veganism in your country. Stop all meat eating. NASA tells us that the arctic ice may be gone by 2012. Studies show unfathomable amounts of methane will shortly after rise from permafrost and ocean beds into the atmosphere - sealing our fate for good. We need the veg diet, we need to plant trees. We need sustainable energy. Be a really powerful leader and brave pioneer of a healthy, happy world. Time to act."

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