Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Are copyright laws applicable to spiritual information?

A few days ago, someone sent me a weblink to a spiritual group located in Europe which contained some very interesting information to say the least. Almost the entire site was plaguerised! The mission statement, vision and many other information were identical to that of I AM University. The only thing that was different was the name of their organization!

This sort of criminal act is really not anything new in spiritual circles. For some strange reason, spiritual people seem to think that if the information is spiritual, channeled, or inspired from Spirit, earthly laws do not apply. Where do they think earthly laws come from? It is not only illegal, it is karmically wrong to take other people's materials (spiritual or not) and make it your own. Is it wrong to go into someone's house and take their Angelic statues, Holy pictures and prayer book and make it your own?

This just goes to show how imbalanced, un-integrated and ungrounded spiritual people can become when they are too heavenly focused and do not have a clue on how to live in this world. In order to serve and change the world, one must live in this world and master it through positive and legal means. No one is above the law, just as no one is above the Laws of karma.

All materials that has ever been created by anyone is governed by copyright laws, whether they are political, education, business, banking, economics, creative, science, nature or spiritual materials. Who is to say that the politician did not channel the information? Who is to say that the scientist did not channel the information? If this principle is applied, then spiritual people must think twice before plageurising other people's spiritual 'channeled', 'inspired' materials.

If you would like more information on copyright laws, just google!

Credit must be given where credit is due. This is a good lesson for all.

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