Friday, August 31, 2007


This is one of my all time favourite quotes: "Your Talent Is God's Gift To You. What You Do With It Is Your Gift Back To God." -- Leo Buscaglia

I believe that everyone has a special gift, sometimes the gift/s may seem elusive, but if we persist, we will allow the gift to surface. It is quite mind boggling when I come across gifted/talented people in their own right, who will not acknowledge or are blind to their own talents. Worthiness issues often make people feel and think less of themselves.

On the other hand, there are also those who have an over inflated sense of self [which also comes from lack of self worth) where they think they are better than others at something when in truth they are not, and often are barking up the wrong tree. And their energies should be better spent on fulfilling their own life's mission and not someone else's.

Whatever the case may be, what is important for us is to keep trying and knowing when to pursue it and when not to. When I was a child, I was not particular good in drawing or painting but I refused to believe that I was not able to do it. When I was 13, there was a still life painting we had to do in school and the subject was tomatoes. I somehow felt inspired to do a good piece even though I didn't have any prior experience in still life painting. Maybe it was blessing and inspiration from my Higher Self and God, and I remember feeling this sense of excitement and energy within me knowing that I will be doing a great job. I was also literally feeling warm inside me. I completed a beautiful piece of water colour painting and was awarded an 'A' for it. It was also hung at the back of the class in our mini art gallery.

Later on, I worked as a designer in my own design firm and then pursued a career in copywriting for advertising agencies. I am not a trained copy writer but I knew at that time I was able to do this. Everytime I had a new project I would still myself (at that time I had no idea what meditation is) for a few seconds and allow the inspiration to flow. I consciously said to myself that I had to be still in order to experience this passion/fire/excitement inside me. And it has never failed me.

These experiences still continue to inspire me.

Of course, there were also other experiences in my life where I was barking up the wrong tree. And I learned after mistakes were made, when to stop pursuing them. However, these mistakes were also valuable for they helped me to learn much more about myself. I think the ability to be honest holds the key to admitting mistakes and letting something go...

To this day, I am constantly pursuing other gifts and talents I may have. Because we have limitless potential, there is so much to be explored.

Here's wishing you a joyous journey in pursuit of your highest potential! Namaste.

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