Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Protection From Negative Energies

I often receive requests for help on how to protect self from negative energies. This is a very common phenomena amongst spiritual practitioners. Often even after prayers and a healing/clearing the person is still plagued by negative energies, psychic attacks, implants, astral energies/entities. Why?

Not many people realise that there is such a thing as "psychological immune system". This is a concept that is introduced by Dr Joshua Stone in his book SOUL PSYCHOLOGY. In this book, the chapters: The Development Of Personal Power and Psychic Self Defense explore the theme of strengthening one's psychological immune system.

Essentially, the lesson that all of us must learn is to be the Creator & Master of our reality, through mastery of our thoughts. And this is not just conscious thoughts but our subconscious thoughts as well. Consciously, no one will ever asked to be attacked, however, our subconscious mind is filled with much negative ego programmings, fear based programmings, faulty programmings, illusions, blind spots, limited lens seeing, and so on (from mass consciousness, from the media, from cultures/traditions, from our upbringing etc) that the negativity within our subconscious minds magnetizes negative energies to ourselves. The laws of the universe is such that, you will attract that which you have! So, how does one work on repelling negative energies? Firstly to work on owning one's personal power and secondly to reprogram our subconscious mind with Spiritual/God/Christ/Buddha/Krishna/Allah consciousness every day of our lives. Thirdly, to practice, practice, practice!

You will find that the more 'gifted' one is, in terms of spiritual gifts like ability to channel, clairvoyance, psychic attunement etc, the more vulnerable one is if one has not learned to own their personal power and to master their subconscious mind. These 'gifts' in turn can sabotage the efforts of even the most sincere spiritual practitioners by opening them up to psychic attacks from negative energies, negative forces, astral energies/entities, implants, and even other people's negative energies.

So if one would like protection from negative energies, what is important is to learn to own one's personal power, to master one's subconscious mind, clear one's energy system/chakra/aura/physical body daily. These are just a few things to start with.

Do visit the links as highlighted in the text above to read SOUL PSYCHOLOGY online for free. If you would like a copy of the I AM University Full Spectrum Prism Protection Meditation in print, please send me an email.


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