Thursday, August 16, 2007

"keep the mind steady in the light"

One of the things I enjoy most in the work that I do is the many opportunities I have in a day to keep affirming God/Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Krishna consciousness. Whether it is through teaching, healing or channeling private sessions, I feel so blessed to be repeating affirmations all day long.

Recently three people commented in separate emails that I must be very busy and I said to one of them that it is good to be busy in a good sense as it keeps me out of mischief! I truly believe this. I find that if I use my energies and time inefficiently even while I am relaxing, for example reading a novel that is not positive consciousness focused, it is very easy for the mind to be led astray. It is for this reason, I am now very careful about what I read even for relaxation.

There are so many things in life that can distract us from being the best that we can be at every moment of our lives. And it is quite amazing how our mind trips us up when we do not own our personal power even for a second. I've had many experiences in the past few weeks that have shown me how the negative ego was able to steer me away from my intentions, even ever so subtly. Nothing like good lessons in life to keep one on track!

And so affirm, affirm, affirm God/Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Krishna consciousness to "keep the mind steady in the light" as DK would say.

May the light be with you in body, mind and spirit....

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