Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Touching base....

It is the time of the year again when things get extremely busy. I am off to Austria in a few days for our annual I AM University Wesak Celebration. So I will return to this blog soon again! Maybe post some nice pictures too.

Have a blessed Wesak season!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Are copyright laws applicable to spiritual information?

A few days ago, someone sent me a weblink to a spiritual group located in Europe which contained some very interesting information to say the least. Almost the entire site was plaguerised! The mission statement, vision and many other information were identical to that of I AM University. The only thing that was different was the name of their organization!

This sort of criminal act is really not anything new in spiritual circles. For some strange reason, spiritual people seem to think that if the information is spiritual, channeled, or inspired from Spirit, earthly laws do not apply. Where do they think earthly laws come from? It is not only illegal, it is karmically wrong to take other people's materials (spiritual or not) and make it your own. Is it wrong to go into someone's house and take their Angelic statues, Holy pictures and prayer book and make it your own?

This just goes to show how imbalanced, un-integrated and ungrounded spiritual people can become when they are too heavenly focused and do not have a clue on how to live in this world. In order to serve and change the world, one must live in this world and master it through positive and legal means. No one is above the law, just as no one is above the Laws of karma.

All materials that has ever been created by anyone is governed by copyright laws, whether they are political, education, business, banking, economics, creative, science, nature or spiritual materials. Who is to say that the politician did not channel the information? Who is to say that the scientist did not channel the information? If this principle is applied, then spiritual people must think twice before plageurising other people's spiritual 'channeled', 'inspired' materials.

If you would like more information on copyright laws, just google!

Credit must be given where credit is due. This is a good lesson for all.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sign the Petition!

"In light of the dangers facing humanity from climate change and environmental degradation - and to ensure a future of plenty and peace, I pledge my:

* action in reducing or eliminating the animal elements of my diet - major greenhouse gas emitters;
* support for all possible governmental policies that reduce or eliminate the inherently wasteful and cruel global livestock industry;
* support for reforestation/afforestation programs and the release of previously grazed land to such protected rehabilitation;
* and my support for the economic compensation of those whose livelihoods are adversely affected by these necessary changes.

I make this pledge in full knowledge of the challenge of change. However I make it with determination and enthusiasm for this transformation, for I love my planet and its people and wish a healthy and peaceful future for all. Count me among the many who want change now in reducing meat eating through wise policies and good information.

Politicians, leaders, governments, don’t hesitate: go veg. Support vegetarianism and veganism in your country. Stop all meat eating. NASA tells us that the arctic ice may be gone by 2012. Studies show unfathomable amounts of methane will shortly after rise from permafrost and ocean beds into the atmosphere - sealing our fate for good. We need the veg diet, we need to plant trees. We need sustainable energy. Be a really powerful leader and brave pioneer of a healthy, happy world. Time to act."

Saturday, March 22, 2008

From Sai Inspires....

"Divinity is the same in everyone, be he/she a Hindu, a Muslim, a Sikh or a Christian. There is only one religion, the religion of love. There is only one caste, the caste of humanity. So develop unity, chant the Divine Name. What an exalted position will the country attain if all its people were to chant the Divine Name unitedly!...One who cultivates the crop of love in the field of one’ heart is a true Christian, a true Sikh, a true Hindu and a true Muslim."

- Divine Discourse, July 16, 2001.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

"Every book you read was once a tree"

This has got to be one of my favourite websites on the internet - Eco Libris "Balance out your books. Now you can plant a tree for every book you read" My husband and I have started our monthly contribution to "pay back" to the environment for all the books we have! This was passed on to me from one of our I AM U Branch Leaders.

It is a great site. And it only costs USD1 to plant one tree! So there is no excuse for avid readers not to do it, each book nowadays costs about USD15 and more.


Thursday, March 13, 2008

More on channeling on Facebook

The page is specially created to share more about the channeled services I offer. I hope to also use this as a platform to discuss what channeling really is.

Do visit the page here:

Being Angry vs Being Firm

Anger is often used as a tool to gain control over other people, or to get what one wants. The definition of anger, as extracted from the Glossary of the I AM University website is: Anger - a loss of control and an attempt to regain it. Stems from attachment. Not looking at things as lessons and Spiritual tests. Not keeping bubble of protection up and operating out of reactivity instead of responding to a situation. All anger is negative ego. False sense of power which is really a complete loss of power and self control. Loss of control over others and attempt to regain it. (Corollaries of anger: frustration, irritation, aggravation, indignation, impatience, annoyance, etc.)

Often times, I am puzzled when people can be so proud of themselves when they say things like, 'I lost my temper and then they gave me what I want", "I was so angry with my spouse, so he apologised to me". Is one really perceived as a higher or better being when one uses anger?

In my daughter's child care centre, I have come to realise that some of the teachers use anger as a way to gain control over the toddlers. I found this out, when I was firmly telling my 2 year old daughter that if she wants something, she must ask nicely and that no screaming is allowed. She paused for a few seconds and then she said, "Mummy is angry."

I told her, no I am not angry, I am being firm with you. Then she said, "Mummy is not angry.' At that time, I wasn't 100% sure if the teachers tell the kids that they are angry just to get their attention. But a few days later, my daughter was playing with her dolls, and she lined them up and as I observed her, I realised that she was role playing. She pointed her finger at one of the dolls, and said to it, "No! Teacher is angry!"

It looks like there is going to be a lot of un-doing of her little mindset in store for us!

I learned through this experience, that indeed people use anger in so many ways to gain control. I also saw for myself, how people can perceive one's firmness & personal power as anger if they themselves do not own their personal power. My little daughter is far from understanding the concept of personal power and it is obvious that she has yet to differentiate personal power and anger.

To those who have realised unconditional loving balanced with power/firmness, may you shine your power so that others may follow....

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008


I love this! From Sai Inspires....

Do not worry at the faults of others. Try to look into your own and correct them. For the disease you suffer, the drug must be taken by you only. If you are not at fault, never bother about what others may say. But, first, examine your behaviour and see that it is above criticism. Grow straight; do not grow crooked. Do not read trash and see bad films; they warp character and extol violence and wickedness. Spend the money you have on good food instead. Develop good habits: doing Bhajan (group singing), practicing Asanas (yogic postures), meditation, silence - these will give you peace and joy, a clear brain and concentration. They will discipline the wayward mind.

- Divine Discourse, May 13, 1968.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Family gatherings a blessing?

We have been enjoying a festive season in Asia in the past few days. The Lunar New Year is a time for families and friends to get together not just for ethnic Chinese families but for other ethnic races too, especially here in Singapore.

Gathering together with families is not always easy for many people. Amidst the celebrations, inevitably there will be buttons pushed and emotional reactions from family members. Every year I observe this common phenomena within my own family and amongst relatives. The bigger the celebration, the more buttons will be pushed, the louder the voices as each person is trying to prove the other person wrong, and themselves right. These arguments do not just end there, gossips about the 'fight' will go on until the next family gathering.

It is so true that the people closest to us are our greatest teachers. For they reflect to us that which we need to heal within ourselves, and tests on so many levels are being dished out. At the end of it all, it is just the ego's game that is being played. Or rather we have all played into the ego's game.

As I observed the arguments or 'discussions' as they would like to call it, I noticed the body language, the veins popping up on their necks, their eyes fiery with irritation/frustration/anger, their loud poisonous words, their distorted facial expressions, I think to myself the negative ego sure has an ability to make everything look un-beautiful. I think sometimes people fall sick from festive celebrations not just because of over eating but really because of getting their buttons pushed and manifesting these less than harmonious rhythm within their physical & etheric/emotional/mental bodies. This is why I am not surprised that many people shun away from family gatherings during the festive season.

Despite all of these, I do see the good in family gatherings and festive celebrations. It allows us to celebrate our similarities, and our common goal to strive for harmony, peace and love. Despite all the arguments and ego fights, deep down within everyone there is a desire to want to belong, a desire to find common grounds.

The best thing about family gatherings is the opportunities it gives us to transcend the negative ego, the opportunities to move beyond getting our buttons pushed. To practice being magnanimous. And the opportunity to be the better example.

I look forward to the next festive celebration with my family and relatives because I know that achieving true harmony with our fellow human beings take tremendous amount of work. And the work really begins with self first.

Our family is truly our master teacher. And I am not giving up on my family!

Meditation with the Divine Mother

I've recently posted an additional meditation here. This was done several years ago 'live' with a group of students. Enjoy!

Friday, February 01, 2008

The outer and the inner

Yesterday, my husband Toby observed that during our hour long lunch break at the food centre he saw over 20 ladies who were focused on their outer appearance in one way or another. I gathered that he meant they were either looking at themselves in their compact mirrors, adjusting their clothes or refreshing their make up in public.

Yes, we live in a world that focuses too much on the outer form and not on the inner essence. I think women (and some men) in general spend at least 1/3 of their income on things to beautify themselves. Not that there is anything wrong with this, but too much focus on this and not enough on nourishing and cultivating their inner self is causing imbalances that will take lifetimes to transform.

As a counselor, I have counseled many attractive and beautiful people (both inside and outside) who just cannot see what is there to love about themselves. Many dislike how they look, the shape they have, and so on......interestingly, the more they disliked themselves, the less attractive they became! Even when they have bought their beauty through a makeover, slimming centres and so on, there is still a void within that needs to be addressed.

Recently, I read an article that was written by a motivational speaker who advocates the importance of good looks and that it is one of the most important things in looking for a partner! And this article was in a mainstream magazine that is widely distributed. No wonder our world is so mixed up! The media from newspapers, television to movies have made such a big negative impact on the consciousness of humanity that people have totally lost sight of what is really important in life. Botox is as easy to obtain as a latte these days.

I am concern when people say to my daughter who is only two(!) that she is very pretty. It is not that I do not agree with them but what kind of a world is she growing up in when people place their focus on her outer beauty and not on her inner qualities? She is being 'taught' by the world that the outer form is more important that her inner essence.

Of course I do see the importance in dressing well (as in clean and presentable clothes), having a sense of style, having good hygiene practices, being healthy and so on but I certainly believe it is very important to keep these in balance by investing one's time and energy on cultivating one's spiritual psychological wisdom. What is the point in looking pretty if one is not exactly as deep as a well.

It will take many generations to reprogram mass consciousness on the importance of balancing the outer form with the inner essence. Not just as a lip service, but in a real and concrete way where people no longer have judgments about outer appearances. Where every shape and form is appreciated for its own unique beauty. Where there is no competition, comparison and envy on which is better.

We can hope but it really begins with us now. If we make the change within ourselves, we will make a more powerful impact on those around us and for generations to come.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Inspiring words from Sai Baba

Service to man can be done in many ways; but, serving the other person, by example is the best of all. Do not be a bad example to your neighbours or family members. Be good and radiate goodness. That is why, when the education of a pupil was over, the teacher in ancient times exhorted the pupil to speak the truth and observe righteousness. Because after the period of study, the young person is to engage in a job, so, he has to be given the most beneficial advice, at the appropriate moment. The truth must be spoken, without hypocrisy and deceit; there should be no motive to injure.

- Divine Discourse, December 21, 1967.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The negative ego is a disease...

I recently had a very interesting encounter with a friend. On the conscious level, I know she enjoys our friendship, but on the subconscious level, there is always a need to compete and compare with me. On this occasion, she attempted to 'humiliate' me in public, putting me down in front of others. I immediately responded kindly to her and the matter diminished in seconds.

I began to see her with even greater compassion because of her discomfort in her own skin; that she needed to feel good about herself by putting others down. And I learned many lessons from this experience.

The negative ego with its negative programmings, behavior patterns, thoughtforms, feelings etc is really a crippling dis-ease. This dis-ease doesn't allow one to love self or others, it dis-empowers people, it makes a person go into moodswings, it makes a person suffer from superiority/inferiority complex, it makes people do foolish things, it creates confusion, it creates conflicts in relationships, the list of psychological dis-eases is really endless.

For the world to change and for peace to manifest, the human race must learn to get rid of this crippling dis-ease. There is no quick cure, but there is a way in which we can heal ourselves and that is through right thinking and not allowing our subconscious minds to be the pilot of our consciousness.

Anyway, my friend and I will always remain friends but I will be more mindful of her dis-ease.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Inspiring Words

By learning to think with your Spiritual/Christ/Buddha mind you can get off the emotional roller coaster of extreme highs and lows and manic depressive mood swings and learn to be more even minded! When this state of consciousness is mastered you will have an unceasing even state of Self-mastery, Self Discipline, Involved Detachment, Unconditional Love, Joy, Happiness, Bliss, Inner Peace, Equanimity, Spiritual Passion and Fun Loving spirit all the time! It is just a matter of changing your thinking. This may sound hard to believe by some but it is totally true! Your thoughts are creating your reality! --Dr Joshua David Stone